Here are a few photographs. Sorry about the very poor quality, they were taken on my cell phone. So far the only interesting projects have been moving a piano and learning to cook asparagus. We will surely update again soon.

this is the study... not at all done. but this is where i am sitting while i type this. that bowl contains brussel sprouts.
non fiction


this is the piano. you know how people always move pianos in cartoons and its really hard and takes a long time and everyone gets injured? well... true.

the fireplace- the deer head "buttercup" the $15 couch and chair.... estate sale coffee table that kyle glued back together for us... records and turntable etc

do you guys have built in vanity tables in your walk in closets? i bet not

this is where i sleep- cheery and sunny. i will concede that it does look like a kid's room. i do not care. i really love my stuffed animals and winnie the pooh books and refuse to part with them. i am not trying to be cutesy.

a big squishy bed- mattress and box springs $20, various crazy quilts from the bins over the years, bedframe vintage 1940s, owned by my grandparents. little red bedside table/cupboard i painted with my dad when i was like 4 years old. the brightly coloured books on the shelves are the series of unfortunate events.

strange little altar/icon space in hall- i need a fiberoptic mary de guadelupe

cute coved doorway thing to the bathtub/shower- you can't see them too well but the shower curtain hooks are brass and shaped like stars and moons, i found them in the basement when we moved in- same with the roald dahl mobile in the kitchen which you'll see later

bathroom- we save energy by leaving one lamp on, because the overhead light is two lights and a fan and it's un-necessary. the sink drips but hopefully it is getting fixed soon. the water gets nice and hot.

dining room! i think this is the best part of the house. fortunatly the (free) yellow table and chairs look okay wouldnt you agree? whew. i need to put wine on the wine rack, it looks dumb empty. those plants are very happy. the table runner is from guatemala.

yes please do!

i dont know, i just thought it was funny

hurray look at my funny little 50s kitchen! you cant see the colours too well in this picture but it is all brick red and avocado green.

thats the roald dahl mobile in the upper left . the curtains have little coffee cups printed on them

tony look! a toaster oven!

that incense pot thing smells great- its got cinnamon sticks, patchouoi, jasmine oil and orange peels in it. the burners heat up REAL fast- be careful please
As you may have noted, I have not enclosed any pictures of the downstairs, where Kyle's room, the sewing room, the music room, or any photos of the yard or garage. That is because I have not taken any. Also we are not as done with those areas. So you have to wait a few days.
Tonight we are getting a washing machine!
My aunt and uncle are letting us cut down a dead orchard on their property for firewood!
We're reading about greywater! Have you ever read Food, Not Lawns? It's pretty good.
My grandmother sold her house yesterday but she stole me some blackberry bushes and raspberry bushes and some rhubarb from the new owners. They were her property anyway so we don't feel bad at all.
Oh yay the complete discography of Crosby Stills Nash and Young just finished downloading so I am going to listen to it now goodbye.
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