Lid of to-go coffee cup from Coffeehouse... could have brought my own cup if I could ever remember to do that
Pen- what's the alternative here? Is a wooden pencil really better? Maybe a refillable pen so I never have to throw it away?
Plastic bag the home-made bread is being kept in, in the fridge- this is a re-used bag but I shouldn't have it in the first place, I should start bringing my own little (cloth?) bags to WinCo with me for things like salt and yeast. How hard is that, really. Maybe I could just take the empty glass jars I keep them in to the store with me, with their weight clearly labeled on them, and make the cashier subtract the weight of the canister from the weight of the item? Boy talk about annoying the hell out of an inept minimum wage employee.
Plastic disposable lighter
That's all I can think of, aside from major things like the plastic components in the laptop and fridge. Anyway tomorrow I'm going to make an effort to use nothing plastic and disposable! And I'm going to take those stupid bags to Fred Meyer to recycle them because they are honestly just taking up a huge amount of space and diminishing my cred.
Other things....
Kenney brought over the airlock and hydrometer for my homebrew setup! The only things I need to find now are some tubing (oh no plastic!) and some yeast! Hells yes. He's borrowing our bottle capper and when he brings it back he'll bring over some homemade cider. Also I gave him some rosemary- we had to hack the rosemary bush back a few feet recently and throw a bunch in the compost, because it was about to devour our house, but at least somebody is using some of it.
Turned off the internet- too expensive, barely works, and a bad habit anyway.
Recently got completely addicted to Salem Freecycle! May be better than Craigslist Free Stuff certainly more stuff is listed on it. Haven't listed anything yet (what do I have that I don't need?) but hopefully I'm going to go pick up 45 lbs of wheatberries soon! Wheatberries? What can you do with wheatberries? Well, eat 'em, and give 'em away to other people who also will eat them, and if all else fails, I imagine they'll make good compost. NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT THIS GUY. I missed it. Shit. Where does he live, like, five blocks from here? Maybe I'll invite him to the next dinner party we have? Should I invite a random stranger to my house? The answer: yes, always.
Speaking of dinner- Matt made two batches of home-made bread and they were DELICIOUS. Soon I will get him to post his recipes, although I think they are just from Joy of Cooking but with Smart Balance instead of butter and soy milk in place of milk, in the given amounts. The first batch was plain wheat bread and the second was cherry-oatmeal bread, the recipe for which called for raisins and not cherries but works either way evidently.
Kyle made up a great dish, too-
Slice up some sweet potatoes and yams 9maybe 2 or 3 of each?) into 1/2 inch rounds or maybe even 1/3 inch
layer 'em in a pan
put on some agave nectar (we use a lot of agave nectar around here)
throw in a bunch of fresh ginger
cook in the oven until it's done and then ingest
We're having a circus this summer (more on this in the future) and so I'm making some shrunken heads as a kind of a sideshow exhibit, one of those pay $1 to see the horrifying stuff type of booths, and here's how I'm making them:

I think after about 42 hours or so of oven I'll take them out, stick some string through them and hang them above the stovetop and leave them for 2 weeks. Then I'll start adding details like teeth, eyeballs, stitched lips, and hair. YEEES.
so the other night we were hangin' out, allie brooke logan and zach and jeff were over, and we were all playing loaded questions in the living room, and somehow the idea of a hot tub came up. we were all in agreement that hot tubs are fun. we also all agree that a hot tub is a great thing for at least one person in the neighborhood to have, and since they don't have the space over at the D St house, it falls to us and our huge-ass patio. We all greatly relish the idea of hangin' out in some bubbly water, and drunken naked hottubbing is a subject I am sure you are all familiar with and in favour of and so I will not address in detail here.
I found somebody on Freecycle who has a functioning hottub that we could have for free if we come and pick it up, and even if there is something mildly wrong with it, I am pretty confident that we would be able to fix all but the most major cracks or engine problems. We could either put it on the back porch where all the firewood is now, or Kyle was thinking, there's a big area of the backyard which is just ugly stupid muddy grass, but it doesn't get enough light for much of a garden there- maybe we could build a little gazebo type deal and put it out in the yard? Bury the cords?
1) they use a ton of electricity (i read that it's like $18 a month, but you can lower the cost by keeping the temperature turned way down when not in use and keeping it well insulated, which we oculd do)
2) they look like redneck peices of shit- this is why i like the idea of building some type of gazebo structure/hedgerow thing around it- i don't want the neighbors to think i'm a hot tub kind of a person! it's kind of emberessing! plus- the aforementioned nudity!
3) they use awful caustic chemicals. i did find this site advertising cleaning agents which don't contain chlorine. according to their copy the water is even greywater safe if you choose to drain the tub, which would be cool, because i wouldn't feel so bad about:
4) wasting water- yuck! what a hideous waste of water!
then again...

And last but not least.
I have a copy of the C.I.T.Y. petition which I am circulating amongst my friends. I only started earlier today and I have already gotten 20 signatures. That is nothing compared to 187 voter registrations in one day, my old record, but it is still something. This petition is easy to pitch to people and everyone has seemed very receptive of the idea. Later tonight I am going to take it over to the Rafns house and maybe to the Schulte compound, maybe even to the bar sometime next week. I hope this thing passes because I've already promised a lot of folks fresh eggs! :-)
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